Unidata Outreach Accomplishments and Challenges

Ben Domenico, March 2014

Relationship to Current Unidata Strategic Plan

Below are a few excerpts from the current Unidata Strategic Plan that highlight the importance of the outreach activities summarized in this status update?

  • ... to build infrastructure that makes it easy to integrate and use data from disparate geoscience disciplines

  • Data formats like netCDF, together with community-based data standards like the Climate and Forecast metadata convention and the Common Data Model are enhancing the widespread usability and interoperability of scientific datasets.

  • Advance geoscience data and metadata standards and conventions

  • ... our experience shows us that robust solutions arise from community and collaborative efforts

  • ... close partnerships and collaboration with geoscience data providers, tool developers, and other stakeholders, and the informed guidance of our governing committees 

Summary of Recent Progress and Near-term Goals

Cloud-based Collaborative Python Development

As part of Unidata's first training workshop on software development using Python, experimentation began with the Wakari cloud-hosted development environment.   This work has continued since then but at a slower pace due to the departure of software engineer, Marcus Hermida.   Since then, the work has been focused on the use of the community supported OWSlib tools for accessing data from OPeNDAP servers via a brokering layer that makes the data available via other standard interfaces, especially Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Coverage Serviced (WCS).

This work will continue as resources allow.

Progress on OGC standardization of CF-netCDF

As the official UCAR representative to the OGC Technical Committee, Unidata participates in 3-4 technical committee meetings per year to ensure that Unidata and UCAR needs are met in the emerging international standards.

Since the establishment of the
netCDF Classic data model as the OGC core netCDF standard as the first OGC binary encoding format, extension standards have been added for the enhanced (netCDF 4) data model and the Climate and Forecast (CF) conventions.

The OGC-adopted standards documents are available at


This completed the primary objectives we had laid out for the CF-netCDF standards initiative in the OGC. However, several additional netCDF-related topics will be discussed at the next OGC Technical Committee meeting at Lockheed Martin - Global Vision Center in Arlington, VA.  TheCF-netCDF SWG Session will cover the following topics:

Clarification of mappings among data models: CF-netCDF, ISO 19123, GML-COV 
Extension to OWS Common for  CF-netCDF data exchangeExtension to WCS 2.0 core DescribeCoverage  for CF-netCDF data description

MetOC candidate profile for WCS2.0 (relation to above topics)

NetCDF Uncertainty Conventions (netcdf-u )
Discussion paper: 
Email list sign up page:

NetCDF GML Encoding

Unidata will chair the CF-netCDF Standards Working Group session as well as the Earth System Science Domain Working Group sessions at these meetings.


The ODIP (Ocean Data Interoperability Platform) was funded by the European Commission and we continue to work with San Diego Supercomputing Center and Woods Hole to get the US part of the project funded by NSF.  Unidata's technologies (especially THREDDS and netCDF) are part of the project and we also maintain a liaison role and serve on the steering team.

to make out community aware of the work an possible applications.  Unidata participated in the initial workshop and in the special ODIP session at the IMDIS conference September and the second ODIP Workshop and steering team meeting at Scripps Institute for Oceanography in December. 

There will be and ODIP splinter session at the EGU and the next ODIP workshop and steering team meetings are scheduled for August.

EarthCube Discrete Continuous Building Block Project.

Unidata has an active role in this new EarthCube initiative.  From the project description:

Geoscience information is defined on both discrete and continuous spatial domains.  Discrete spatial domains include point locations of observations at measurement sites and GIS coverages of point, line and area features used for observation and data interpretation.  Continuous spatial domains are used in geophysical fluid sciences such as for the atmosphere, oceans, and land subsurface to describe arrays of measured or modeled variables defined on a mesh of uniformly spaced points.  Data defined on either discrete or continuous spatial domains may also vary discretely or continuously in time, ranging from one-time samples, to samples at random points of time, to samples at regularly spaced intervals of time.   This proposal builds upon previous work called “Crossing the Digital Divide” focused on integrated discovery of common information themes including precipitation in discrete data from the CUAHSI hydrologic information system and continuous data from the Unidata THREDDS data server. This project will advance that work by investigating in the first year creating new technologies for publishing and discovery of information through the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Common Infrastructure, the definition of a Common Information Model for discrete and continuous data, development of shared software tools for using this Common Information Model, and extension of the concepts to similar information in the Polar, Ocean and Solid Earth Sciences

Active and Ongoing Collaborations:

  • NCAR GIS Program
  • Collaboration with ESSI Labs to experiment with their brokering layer in conjunction with THREDDS Data Servers
  • UCAR wide representative to OGC Technical Committee
  • Australian Navy THREDDS Use

Relatively New Emerging Collaborations

  • co-PI on GMU EarthCube Proposal: “CyberConnector: An EarthCube Building Block Bridging the Earth Observations and Earth Science Modeling for Supporting Model Validation, Verification, and Inter-comparison”
  • ESSI Labs collaboration on cloud-based client and server approaches
  • Collaborative European / US / Australian effort on the Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP)
  • Australian Bureau of Meteorology Climate Data
  • Google Earth Engine
  • Wakari Cloud-based Collaborative Python Development Environment

Areas of Reduced Commitment

  • Marine Metadata Interoperability (MMI) Project Steering Team
  • NOAA Climate Prediction and Projection Pilot Platform (NCPP)
  • CUAHSI Standing Committee
  • AGU ESSI Focus Group Board
  • ESIN Journal Editorial Board
  • Liaison to OOI Cyberinfrastructure Project
  • Collaborations with EarthCube teams
  • Potential collaboration with SDSC team on annotating datasets with information gained from support archives
  • U of Texas EarthCube Building Blocks project